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Prof. Gunter Schubert, AOI-Abteilung für Sinologie
Prof. Dr. Robert Horres, AOI-Abteilung für Japanologie
Veranstaltungsform: Hauptseminar
Semester: WS 2023/24
Zeit / Ort: Mi 10.00-12.00
Beginn: 25. Oktober

China and Japan, like the rest of East Asia, have been grappling with demographic change and ageing societies for quite some time. This has sparked new debates on immigration and prompted changes in immigration policies in the region in recent years. Such developments reflect the significant concern of governments in East Asia that their societies may struggle to maintain economic prowess as the domestic workforce shrinks. However, East Asian countries also face challenges due to strong ethnic identities and conservative notions of citizenship, which hinder the liberalization of immigration regimes. In response to these complexities, East Asian governments have primarily focused on attracting high-skilled labor immigrants while adopting more discriminatory stances towards low-skilled labor immigration and refugees. The objective of this seminar is to examine and analyze the current immigration policies of China, Japan, and other East Asian states/entities. By doing so, we aim to better comprehend the interplay of international norms, conceptions of citizenship, and identity politics that shape contemporary immigration governance in the region. Additionally, the seminar will explore how these policies strike a balance between addressing domestic demands and accommodating the dynamics of global migration mobility.
Class requirements (6/8 ETCS)
Students are required to write discussion papers that will be commented on by their peers and then discussed during the session. Successful participation also requires a term paper to be submitted at the end of the term (31 March 2024).

• Regular attendance, active participation in class, preparation of mandatory readings, homework
• Discussion paper of some 4.000 words to present in class
• Term paper of 8.000 words